National Combine
Held annually in association with the All-American Bowl on NBC, the National Combine is the first opportunity for the nation’s top underclassmen to demonstrate their physical talent and compete against one another before high school and college football’s top scouting organizations, as well as the All-American Bowl Selection Committee.
The National Combine takes place during the All-American Bowl on NBC Bowl Week in San Antonio, Texas, and features the nation’s top 600 underclassmen. Modeled after the NFL Scouting Combine, the National Combine features combine tests and competitive drills. In addition, athletes will receive lunch, bus transportation, and a ticket to attend the All-Amercian Bowl on NBC.
Combine itinerary:
- 40 Yard Dash (2 attempts)
- Short Shuttle (1 attempt each direction)
- Vertical Jump (3 attempts)
- Lunch – Provided at the Alamodome
- Seminar at the Alamodome (athletes only)
- 1-on-1 Competition