Like many other companies over the past six weeks, Football University has been closely monitoring the impact of Covid-19. During this time, we have been proactively garnering expert advice from personnel in a variety of fields (medical, safety, events, etc.) as it relates to the best, and safest, measures to execute events during this unprecedented time.
Our team has spent countless hours educating ourselves on the guidelines set forth by the CDC and speaking with experts on how to achieve our number 1 objective – the safety, development and well-being of our student-athletes. These discussions are not only helping us to achieve this goal, but they are spearheading the development of our very own FBU Medical & Safety Advisory Committee. Our goal is to have this committee include industry leading experts from across the United States, who will be able to provide our student-athletes (and parents) with the highest level of safety – at our events.
FBU is dedicated to ensuring the safety, health and betterment of any student-athlete that we have the opportunity to interact with during our events. It is for this reason, that we utilized the official guidelines provided by the Center of Disease Control to help us outline our event protocols & processes CDC Covid-19 Guidelines
Based on the information and guidelines provided by the CDC, along with the expert advice received from industry experts, we’ve been able to implement new safety protocols and processes at all our future FBU Events.
The next FBU Event, much like many other future events you may attend, will undoubtedly look different. Some of the things you’ll notice that we plan on implementing include:
- Sanitation Stations will be set-up & available throughout the event location – including all main entry/exit points of event
- FBU Staff & Volunteers wearing protective gear throughout event
- Appropriate spacing and sizing of classroom sessions, camp orientation and registration areas
- Waivers to be signed by all attendees (athletes, parents, staff, etc.) acknowledging that they have a temperature below 100.4 degrees
These are just a few of the many new protocols that we plan on incorporating into our events in the near future. We will continue to lead the charge in this industry when it comes to instituting expert-based, proactive measures and improvements to our events. As the unforeseen situation we’re currently in continues to evolve, so will our protocols. We will not become complacent, or satisfied with these new guidelines. These guidelines and protocols are simply the starting point for our efforts in regards to the health and safety of our student-athletes at our events. More information on the additional processes & protocols will be shared over time and we look forward to seeing you this offseason.
We are in this Together. As a Team. As a Family. As FBU.