

Football University is the recognized leader in developing and enhancing the ability and skill of serious football players in middle school and high school.  Since 2007, Football University has trained over 100,000 student-athletes become better football players through intense, position-specific technique training, NFL-level coaching and instruction, and the country’s most elite events.

Football University puts on over 50 + events a year that include FBU Camps and Showcases, the FBU National Championship tournament, the FBU Freshman All-American Bowl, the National Combine, and the Navy All-American Bowl.

Football University is widely known as the leader in the football camp, showcase, tournaments and All American football games.

FBU Management

The FBU Team

Steve Quinn – Managing Partner (squinn@footballuniversity.org)

Erik Richards – Managing Partner (erichards@footballuniversity.org)

Matt Lauer – Dir. of Sales, Mktg., & Sponsorships (mlauer@footballuniversity.org)

Lori Quinn – Dir. of Administration (lquinn@footballuniversity.org)

Anthony Williams – Dir. of Player Development (awilliams@footballuniversity.org)

Chris Contreras – Dir. of Operations (ccontreras@footballuniversity.org)

Jay Whitehead – Dir. of On-Field Logistics (jwhitehead@footballuniversity.org)

Andrew Kocher – Dir. of Communications & Registrations (akocher@footballuniversity.org)

Marcel Marquez – Dirr. of FBU 7v7 Tournament (fbuscout@footballuniversity.org)

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Football University